
Hello there! 👋

Nice to meet you, I’m Lorenzo Balzani, a 23 years old motivated and enthusiastic student from Ravenna, Italy. I obtained my Computer Science and Engineering BSc from the University of Bologna in October 2021, with a dissertation in Artificial Intelligence and NLP. Hence, in September 2022 I will begin a new journey as an MSc student in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bologna.

Why this blog?

You may be wondering, why a personal blog when nowadays there are tons of them?

Short answer

Improve the lack of planning and diligence.

Long answer

Well, while I was a young high school student, I always got issues with organizing my study sessions and all the notes I took were very poor. During my BSc, this has changed and now I have partially resolved these problems, but it’s not sufficient for me. Thus, this blog is mainly for egoistic purposes 😁. I do not exclude that it could be useful for students and practitioners as well, but please keep in mind that its main focus is to develop a strong “framework” for well-writing notes and articles while forcing myself to be as hard-working as possible. Currently, my main ideas about its content are:

  • take note about the preparation for the internship I will be engaged in the summer;
  • write some drafts about project ideas that come to mind;
  • solutions to common problems that have happened to me but seem to not be so common on the internet. Seriously, I don’t want to lose them in the enormous bookmarks collection of my browser 😇;
  • so on and so forth.

I think I’ll begin writing an article about the first course on Coursera, that it’s part of the more general Practical Data Science specialization available on Coursera. Check out it here, in case you’d be curious.

The journey seems to be very fascinating, I’m looking forward to beginning to write the first post. See you soon! 👋


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